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The effect of pyrolysis temperature and feedstock on biochar agronomic properties
A.Lataf, M.Jozefczak, B. Vandecasteele J. Viaene, S. Schreurs, R. Carleer, J. Yperman, W. Marchal, A. Cuypers, D. Vandamme
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (2022)
Hybrid porous titania phosphonate networks with different bridging functionalities: Synthesis, characterization, and evaluation as efficient solvent separation materials
B. Pawlak, W. Marchal, B. Mysore Ramesha, B. Joos, L. Calvi, J. D'Haen, B. Ruttens, A. Hardy, V. Meynen, P. Adriaensens, R. Carleer
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2022)
Biochar from raw and spent common ivy: Impact of preprocessing and pyrolysis temperature on biochar properties
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (2021)
Autoflocculation of microalgae, via magnesium hydroxide precipitation, in a high rate algal pond treating municipal wastewater in the South Australian Riverland
P. Young, J. Phasey, I. Wallis, D. Vandamme, H. Fallowfield
Algal Research (2021)
Infrared thermography: A new approach for the characterization and management of activated carbons applied in water treatment
A comparative techno-economic assessment of biochar production from different residue streams using conventional and microwave pyrolysis
T. Haeldermans, L. Campion, T. Kuppens, K. Vanreppelen, A. Cuypers, S. Schreurs
Bioresource Technology (2020)
Numerical prediction of the mean residence time of solid materials in a pilot-scale rotary kiln